

Compound interest is often hailed as the eighth wonder of the world and for a good reason. Its magic lies in the ability to generate earnings not just on the initial investment but on the accumulated interest from previous periods. This financial phenomenon plays a pivotal role in building wealth and is a cornerstone for successful long-term investing.

At its core, compound interest is the interest on a sum of money that is continually reinvested, allowing the investment to grow exponentially over time. Unlike simple interest, which is calculated solely on the principal amount, compound interest takes into account both the principal and the interest accrued.

The real beauty of compound interest becomes evident when time is on your side. The longer your money is allowed to compound, the more significant the impact. Picture it as a snowball rolling down a hill, gradually accumulating more snow. Similarly, your investment grows not just on the initial amount but on the interest earned in previous periods, creating a compounding effect that can result in substantial returns.

The example below shows how an investment from which dividends are paid out (example A) compares with an investment where dividends are reinvested (example B) over a ten-year period. Assume the initial capital investment was R1 000 000, on which the dividend yield is 7% a year and the IRR is 10%:

        Example A:                                                                                             Example B:

The AccretivPLUS compounding opportunity.

This option follows on the recent launch of AccretivPLUS Healthcare Portfolio, which is the consolidation of its best, separately listed buildings into a single lower-risk diversified structure.

AccretivPLUS, has launched with a convenient automatic reinvestment option, which is likely to appeal to investors who are currently keeping dormant cash in their wallets (trading accounts).

When investing in AccretivPLUS, an investor is required to sign a subscription agreement, which now also includes the option to select automatic reinvestment of dividends during the term of the portfolio. The magic of compound interest is particularly effective as dividends are reinvested immediately as soon as they are paid after each quarter. If they are invested automatically in real time the investor will earn interest on their dividend immediately the following month until the new issue of shares occurs.

“We find that our investors normally wait for dividends to accumulate and become more significant in their wallets (trading accounts) before considering reinvesting, so we have millions of dollars sitting dormant. This may have made sense when waiting for the next syndicated building to launch but with the new structure you can pump your returns by compounding immediately, "says Justin Clarke, the company COO.

To take advantage and auto reinvest to compound your returns, contact your investment consultant, or simply email support@orbvest.com.
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